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10 Reasons To Set Up Frameless Glass Pool Fencing

Apartment house with outdoor swimming pool at the roof. Horizontal shot

A common issue swimming pool owners face is whether to set up a fence around their pool or not. There are many benefits of using frameless glass pool fencing, such as security for people and animals around the pool area (especially children and family pets), and an added look of sophistication to your living space.


According to glass fencing Sydney owner Paul Mcnamara, there are different types of fencing you can choose from when it comes to pool fencing. But if you are looking for a modern and stylish fence that will enhance your pool area, frameless glass pool fencing is the way to go.


Having second thoughts about installing a frameless glass pool fence? This list will help you make an informed decision.


It Is Safer Than Traditional Pool Fencing

Frameless glass pool fencing is much safer than traditional fencing because there are no gaps or spaces for children or pets to slip through. With traditional fencing, there is always the risk that someone could squeeze through the posts or rails and fall into the pool. Frameless glass fencing eliminates that risk.


It Looks Great

Frameless glass pool fencing looks great and can enhance the appearance of your backyard. It adds a modern touch and makes your pool area look sleek and sophisticated.


It Is Easy to Clean

Frameless glass pool fencing is easy to clean because there are no gaps for dirt and insects to get through. With traditional fencing, dirt and debris can clog the spaces between the posts or rails and it can be a pain to keep everything clean.


It Is Safety-Rated

Frameless glass pool fencing is safety-rated by Underwriters Laboratories. This means that independent testing has been done on the product to ensure that it meets certain safety standards set by the government. Your frameless glass pool fence will come with a certificate of compliance from Underwriters Laboratories.


It Is Environmentally Friendly

Frameless glass pool fencing is made of 100% recycled material and does not use any chemicals in its production process which makes it environmentally friendly. With traditional pool fencing, there are harsh chemicals in the colouring process and many people are concerned about toxins leaking into their pools when it rains.


It Is Non-Breakable

Frameless glass pool fencing is non-breakable which eliminates the need for safety repairs like you will have with traditional fencing. If someone falls against your fence or even tries to climb over it, frameless glass will not break. This makes it far safer than traditional pool fencing that may shatter if someone hits it at just the right spot.


Its Clean Appearance Eliminates Ugly Entanglements

By eliminating gaps between posts or rails on traditional pool fencing, there are no more braces, chains or cables hanging down from the top of your fence. Frameless glass pool fencing has a clean appearance that eliminates all of these ugly entanglements.


It Transforms the Entire Look of Your Pool Area

Frameless glass pool fencing can transform the entire look of your pool area and add a touch of class to its overall design. Traditional fences may not fit in with the rest of your landscaping or decor and if they do, they can make things crowded and messy looking by blocking out natural light.


The Glass is Unobtrusive From Overhead

Frameless pool fencing lets in plenty of light from overhead which makes it much more attractive than traditional fencing where posts or rails may block out the sun from hitting the water’s surface. The frameless glass will not get in your way from overhead and it makes the water of your pool look more brilliant and colourful.


It Increases Resale Value

Frameless glass pool fencing has a sleek, modern appearance that will increase the resale value of your home. Your neighbours will be so impressed with how nice it looks that they may want to install their frameless glass fence when they get around to building their pools. Frameless fences are becoming very popular among homeowners who want new fencing for their existing pools or just want something nicer than traditional fencing on their new construction projects.


There are many reasons why frameless glass pool fencing is such a popular choice today. It is safer than traditional fencing, it looks great and cleans up easily, it is eco-friendly, and it increases the resale value of your home. If you want to set up a new fence around your pool, frameless glass should be at the top of your list!

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