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7 Design Mistakes in Power BI Dashboards

7 Design Mistakes in Power BI Dashboards

Let’s start with a look at the top seven Power BI dashboard design errors and some tips for avoiding them. These are the mistakes that keep your dashboards from becoming effective and understandable. The seven mistakes are

•The charts were incorrectly chosen.
•Dashboards with incorrect labels
•There are too many slicers on the Dashboard.
•Colors aren’t always used in the same way.
•The variances aren’t shown.
•Page layouts that are confusing
•Your graphs aren’t proportional.

I’ll provide you some pointers on how to do things better as we go through them. Creating great-looking and functional dashboards is actually fairly simple once you’ve learned the fundamentals.

1.The charts were incorrectly chosen.

The most typical error is choosing the incorrect charts. Choosing the appropriate chart is a science and an art. The first is wrong chart orientation, which is the most common missing component. The second reason is that the wrong chart type was deployed, and the third is that multiple complicated charts intended to represent variances and other major data categories were either not used or used incorrectly.
According to my first criterion, if the labels are shown diagonally, something is wrong with the chart.
The problem is that the labels are long and are displayed diagonally; otherwise, they would be trimmed so short that they would be unreadable.

2.Dashboards with incorrect labels

It’s challenging to have the right number of labels in your dashboards since you risk overdoing it or failing to convey the information appropriately.

3.There are too many slicers on the Dashboard.

Excessive usage of slicers is the third mistake. It’s really tempting to employ slicers excessively.
Alternatively, you might show a chart in the space that slicers take up. You may construct a chart out of the list of states instead of having a slicer that lists every state. After that, you can apply the chart to filter the main chart. The issue is that Power BI’s visualization works almost equivalent to a filter. Click on specific data categories in a graphic to filter the entire page. Instead of wasting space on slicers, you can make excellent use of it by presenting valuable data.

4.Colors aren’t always used in the same way.

Now we’ll look at the fourth mistake: a lack of colour uniformity. Although colour is a tough topic, having 30 different colours in a report, or even just one chart, is excessive. With so many colours, it will be difficult to read. This is why visualization such as tree maps and stacked column charts are so difficult to use and should only be used occasionally. Replace them with simple bar charts that, if possible, give a comparison.
Simply choose a slightly lighter or darker colour to boost performance.

5.The variances aren’t shown.

While we’re on the topic of differences, I believe the fifth error is the most serious. Users failing to indicate deviations are the most common dashboard issue we see. Ignoring differences is certainly not an easy task.

6.Page layouts that are confusing

Perplexing page design is ranked sixth on the list.
When developing dashboards with page layouts, people read from left to right and from top to bottom of the page. This means that the most important data visualizations and KPIs should always be on the left and at the top of the page.

7.Your graphs aren’t proportional.

You’ll need to scale distinct visuals when you add them to a page or a dashboard. In Power BI, they will always be scaled to the highest amount.

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