While the domain name and keywords may play a major role in driving traffic to your blog, there are other things you can do with your SEO campaign.
Digital marketing agency Sydney owner Adam Porter explains, “When we blog about something we know and our passion comes through, we’re more likely to be remembered and gain traction with those terms. That’s why it’s important to mix up content for long-term rankings as well as short term gains. We also want people to remember us!”
If you want more qualified traffic on your website, here are some helpful tips you can use in your SEO campaign.
Social media
Social media is a great way to get your website out there and reach a wider audience. Social media is especially good if you have a new website that doesn’t have many visitors yet, because you can use it to spread the word about your website for cheap or even free. Sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google+ allow you to share pictures, videos and links with your friends so they can see what you are up to online. In return, these ‘friends’ will hopefully share your content on their pages to expose you further still. This cycle has been proven time and time again when websites go viral thanks mainly to the power of social media.
Draw people into your site and keep them there with good humour. The more time they will spend on your site reading or watching your content, the more likely they will link back too. But make sure you know what kind of humour works best for the audience you are targeting. For example, if you create an animated cartoon about how to play the flute, maybe this wouldn’t go down so well with the majority of people who aren’t interested in playing the flute (sad as it may seem). It might work better as a video where you have yourself or someone else demonstrating these steps instead. So choose wisely to maximize your chance at grabbing people’s attention.
Free Ebooks
Another great way to get people into your site is by giving away ebooks or whitepapers for free that help solve a problem they may be experiencing. For example, if you have a website about new cars, you might make an ebook about the top 5 mistakes most drivers make and how to avoid them. This ebook will give people a reason to sign up for your website because they know it will provide a solution to their problems. And once they are there, all you need do is gently remind them of the ebook from time to time for them to download it again.
Infographics are great as they can tell a story without having too much text taking up space on the page. There are plenty of tools on physical computer media and the World Wide Web that you can use to create your infographics for free, therefore making them cost-effective as well.
Some images
Pictures are great for gaining attention online because people tend to share them more than just text alone. Plus, they also help break up the monotony that comes with reading long pieces of content too (who wants to read 10 pages worth on a huge screen anyway?) There are so many different kinds of images you can use too, from GIF to JPEG. Make sure you know what works best for the subject matter you are trying to promote though before uploading it onto your site.
Some videos
Videos can be a great way to get people into your site because they show them exactly how a product or service is used instead of just telling them about it in text form. This means that they have a better understanding and knowing this will no doubt greatly increase the chances of them making a purchase from you too if need be. Plus video marketing has been shown time and time again to add to an increase in online presence which helps with getting ranked higher by Google too (another good reason to go down this path).
Start a podcast
Podcasts are essentially just like videos, but instead of listening you watch them instead. They work in the same way as an audiobook but with somebody talking through what they want to say at their own pace instead of somebody reading it out word for word (or in some cases not speaking either and leaving it up to music alone). This works well because people can learn from you while on the move rather than having to sit down and read everything offline.