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HomeOutdoor9 Signs Of A Dying Or Dead Tree

9 Signs Of A Dying Or Dead Tree

Trees have been holding our environment together for centuries now, so it would be a shame if we let them die just because we do not know how to take care of them. A dying or dead tree is a major concern for many homeowners. Avoiding the warning signs of a dying or dead tree can help prevent dangerous circumstances that could impact your home and the safety of your loved ones.

Tree removal Canberra owner Llewyn Dowling understands that the prospect of losing a tree can be a nightmare for every homeowner, and unfortunately, it happens all too often. The first step to maintaining a healthy tree is to know what signs indicate that it is dying or even dead.

Find out if the trees in your property are dying or dead with the following symptoms.

A sudden discolouration of the leaves

Some trees always have brown leaves at the end of their season, but if you notice that your normally green or red leaves are becoming browner earlier in the fall than usual, then this may well be an indication of death.

The bark is separating from its trunk

A sure sign that something is wrong with a tree is when you start noticing cracks in the bark along with clumps of wood lying on the ground underneath it. If this happens to your tree, consult an expert immediately since repairing serious bark damage can be difficult and costly.

The roots are bleeding sap

Another sign of death is sap bleeding from the trunk or roots of the tree. This occurs when an infection gets into the water supply, causing resin to ooze out of the bark. If you notice this symptom, it is important to act immediately because once a tree starts bleeding resin, there is little that can be done about it.

There are holes in its leaves

A healthy tree will never have any holes in its leaves; they only appear when something is attacking the leaf tissues inside. The most common cause of these holes is insects like sawflies and spider mites; however, your attempts at pest control may cause more damage. Consult an expert before attempting to deal with the infestation yourself.

It is cracking

Cracks on a tree usually occur when the wood underneath is dry and small branches start to break off due to weak points in the structure. If you notice any new cracks, do not worry about them too much unless they begin forming deep within the tree trunk; a little crack should not be a problem as long as it stops there. If they are on a larger branch, however, then this may mean that your tree has been dying for some time and is now bracing itself for its final fall.

The leaves are discoloured

A healthy green colour signals good health, but if you notice brown leaf edges or patches of yellowing on some leaves, this may be an indication of death.

It is losing its leaves all at once

If you notice that your tree is suddenly losing almost all of its leaves, then there are two possible reasons for it. One is that the tree is dying; however, it can also be a sign that the tree has been infested with caterpillars or insects that are feasting on its foliage. You may need to call in an expert to tell which one it is since both problems require different solutions.

Leaves are wilted

If you see your leaves beginning to droop and wilt even when the rest of the plant looks fine, try watering them more often. If this does not work, then the soil might be too dry or your plant may not be getting enough sunlight. Either way, if you see this symptom on any of your trees, it is best to provide them with more water and better light until they recover.

The leaves are curling up

Healthy leaves will always have a slight curve but they will not curl up unless there is a problem with moisture or nutrition intake. This can most often happen when the tree becomes infected by harmful insects like spider mites because these pests drain nutrients from their host plants rapidly. If you notice this symptom, call an arborist immediately since completely cutting off nutrient flow can cause irreversible damage to the foliage.



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