Are you planning for something bigger? You need funds to pay for your child’s higher school education. Need to be hospitalized? Unexpected cash crunch? Are you experiencing cash shortages? Are you wondering what to do and where to go? An instant personal loan is a great option for those who are very exhausted and need a quick and easy financing option to help pay all of these bills. Personal loans are unsecured loans that have a flexible term and offer a competitive rate of interest. Unsecured loans don’t require collateral or security. Buddy Loan allows you to apply for loan online up to Rs. 15 Lakh at an interest of 11.99% p.a.
There are no restrictions on personal loans. You can use the amount you need and repay it in 6 months to 5 years. Personal loans are quick approvals, easy disbursement, convenience and speed of processing. It sounds great, doesn’t it?
To be eligible for an instant personal loan, you must meet the following criteria:
- Indian citizens or residents are required to apply.
- Over 21 should not be considered old
- A monthly income of Rs.18000+ should be your goal
You can apply online for a loan by visiting the Buddy Loan App or the website. Fill out the details and upload any documents (identity proof, address proof and salary slips). After verification, you will be notified when the loan is disbursed.
How to Get a Personal Loan Approved Instantly
- Meet the eligibility requirements of your lender. Check the eligibility requirements of the lender before you move forward.
- You should have a steady income. This is one of many factors lenders consider when determining the loan amount and interest rates.
- Lenders will also consider your CIBIL score before approving your loan application. This number is 3 digits and can be obtained depending on your financial history. A score of over 750 is required to be eligible for a loan. Your score can be improved by paying off any existing loans and other debts on time. This will increase your chances of getting approved for a loan.
- It is best to avoid applying to multiple lenders simultaneously as this can negatively impact your credit score.
- Make sure you pay off any existing loans before proceeding with the new loan. Lenders may be sceptical about your ability to repay the loan.
These tips and tricks will increase your chances of getting a loan approved quickly. Buddy Loan’s easy-to-use application makes it simple to apply online for a loan. After all, documents have been verified, your loan will be credited to your account within 48 hours. Buddy Loan is the place to go if you need a fast loan sanction. Apply now at Buddy Loan!