Tuesday, February 11, 2025
HomeHealthBest Surgery and Treatment in India for Ruptured Spleen

Best Surgery and Treatment in India for Ruptured Spleen

A ruptured spleen can be a painful and life-threatening condition. However, some of the best surgeons and hospitals in India have helped people with this condition. The experts at these hospitals have made leaps in knowledge for this surgical condition by developing minimally invasive procedures that can minimise or eliminate long-term effects on blood flow to vital organs.

Ruptured spleen symptoms include sudden sharp pain in the left upper quadrant of your abdomen that moves to your left shoulder, fever, chills, fatigue (tiredness), lightheadedness, nausea and vomiting. Surgery is the most effective treatment for splenic rupture. However, depending on the type of surgery, patients may experience some fatigue and discomfort for several days following surgery.

Ruptured Spleen is a Common Cause Among Athletes

Each year tens of thousands of adults are hospitalised due to ruptured spleen symptoms. Patients diagnosed with splenic rupture or suspected of a ruptured spleen are especially at risk for infection. So, they must receive proper initial assessment and treatment promptly.

Some patients with splenic rupture may need surgery similar to open surgery, where a large incision must be made to remove a portion or all of the ruptured organ. Other patients may need a splenectomy or removal of the spleen, which is usually done laparoscopically. A minimally invasive approach using laparoscopic surgery reduces pain and discomfort for patients and results in a quicker recovery with fewer complications.

Best Treatment Options in India For Ruptured Spleen

India has some of the finest surgeons who perform splenectomy procedures. Here are some treatment options for patients:

Apollo Hospitals

Surgeons at Apollo Hospitals are some of the best for abdominal surgeries in India, especially for the management of a ruptured spleen. These hospitals are part of the Apollo Hospitals Group, which has several hospitals in India and abroad. The surgeons at Apollo Hospitals have performed over 30,000 complex laparoscopic cases.

Fortis Care

The surgeons at Fortis Healthcare are also well known for their high-quality minimally invasive surgery services. In addition, the Fortis Memorial Research Institute provides medical care to approximately 9 million people in South Asia each year through its 25 hospitals, 12 diagnostic centres, and ten wellness centres in India.

Ganga Hospital

Ganga Hospital in New Delhi is one of the best in India for patients who require emergency surgery due to ruptured spleen symptoms. This hospital has a state-of-the-art trauma centre that offers round-the-clock emergency care and 24/7 emergency assistance for patients with splenic rupture or other abdominal and thoracic injuries and emergency surgery services.

Gleneagles Global Hospital

The surgeons here perform several surgeries each day to treat abdominal injuries such as splenic lacerations, ruptures, and other splenic complications such as bleeding in the small intestines due to blunt object trauma. The surgeons at Fortis Healthcare also use advanced laparoscopic techniques to repair splenic lacerations and other abdominal injuries.


The best treatment for splenic ruptures is to determine whether or not there is internal bleeding. An acute splenic rupture is often associated with internal bleeding. Due to advances in minimally invasive surgery, many surgeons can repair the spleen without making long incisions or notching the ribs. 

Surgeons also now use laparoscopic instruments, which allow them to operate through much smaller incisions than traditional open surgery methods. Even with conventional open surgery methods, there is still much less scarring and recovery time associated with minimally invasive techniques. This often results in better cosmetic outcomes.




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