Kapalbhati Pranayama is a type of breathing exercise. Kapalbhati is done sitting down. Kapalbhati is considered beneficial for reducing weight, but some people have doubts whether we can do Kapalbhati Pranayama in the evening. Actually, due to office or work, many people are not able to exercise early in the morning and if they do exercise in the evening, will it be beneficial? Dr. Ravindra Kumar Srivastava, Yoga expert of Ravindra Yoga Clinic, Lucknow, said that you should complete yoga by evening because body starts getting tired after evening, some exercises or yoga give energy to your body, so by doing them at night. Your sleeping cycle may be damaged. In this article we will discuss the questions related to Kapalbhati.
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Can I do Kapalbhati at night?
You should avoid doing Kapalbhati during the night. If you want to do Kapalbhati, then you should do it till evening and keep a gap of a few hours between yoga and eating. Before doing Kapalbhati, talk to a yoga expert so that you will know the right way to do yoga. If you are a patient of diseases like asthma or bronchitis, then do yoga only under a trained person.
Disadvantages of doing Kapalbhati at night:
- If you do Kapalbhati Pranayama at night, then your sleep can be disturbed due to which you will feel tired throughout the day.
- To do yoga or meditation properly, you need good sleep. If you do not get enough sleep, then you will not be able to do yoga properly.
- People who have the problem of hypertension i.e. high BP should not do Kapalbhati Pranayama.
Right time to do Kapalbhati:
You should do Kapalbhati in the morning because by doing this pranayama, the body gets the energy which you will need in the morning. You can do Kapalbhati Pranayama on an empty stomach in the evening. If you want to avoid Kapalbhati in the evening, then you can also do Anulom-Vilom or Bhramari Pranayama instead. This will also calm your mind and you will be able to sleep deeply. You can do Kapalbhati before and after running, but the best way to do it is to do it on an empty stomach in the morning.
Can I eat food immediately after doing Kapalbhati?
You should eat food at least five hours after doing Kapalbhati. If you eat immediately, then the energy received from Kapalbhati Pranayama will be consumed in eating and digestion. Although it does not take you much time to do Kapalbhati, it is important to do it in the right way.
Keep these things in mind while doing pranayama at night:
- If you are doing Kapalbhati at night, then you have to keep in mind that you do not do yoga immediately after eating.
- There should be a gap of at least four to five hours between eating and doing yoga.
- If you eat food at 8 o’clock then you can do yoga around 11 o’clock.
- If your body is tired then you will not get the benefit of doing yoga, so avoid yoga at night.
- If you are a heart patient, then while doing Kapalbhati, you should exhale lightly and pregnant women should not do this activity.