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HomeBusinessStar Sapphire: a stone pleasing to Saint Hildegard

Star Sapphire: a stone pleasing to Saint Hildegard

Star sapphire is a rarity and a treasured rarity. Even not the most expressive specimens of stone are expensive, but gems that give an ideal twelve-rayed star and are brightly colored at the same time – the roads are fabulous!

Sapphire is the brother of the ruby; both gemstones are corundum. Considerable similarity is observed in their physical properties; however, the difference is also great – and not only in color. There is almost never a star on a twelve-ray ruby ​​cabochon! In general, the geometry of the light flare in sapphire is stricter, clearer, more correct.

The visual aristocracy of the sapphire is connected exclusively with its internal structure.

Where do the stars on sapphires come from?

Chemically, sapphire is a crystalline form of aluminum oxide with atomic impurities of titanium and iron. Metal ions impart color to the crystal. The effect of asterism (star-like) occurs only when the sapphire mass is penetrated by needle-like inclusions of rutile (crystallized titanium oxide).

Codirectional rutile crystals are arranged in “bundles” in sapphire – like spaghetti. Each of the crystals is triangular in cross-section, its flat faces perfectly reflect light. A point light source gives a long, even reflection on the “package” of rutile crystals.

The layers of rutile needles filling the stone mass are forced to be positioned at an angle to each other – in full accordance with the orientation of the crystal growth axes. Normally, these axes are three, and therefore the observer sees three lines intersecting at one point. This is how a six-rayed star is formed …

If a sapphire cabochon is a concatenation of two crystals, it is possible that two six-rayed stars will appear at once. The mutual arrangement of the concretions is subject to strict physical laws; therefore, the geometry of the twelve-rayed stars is verified as if it were a protractor.

The highest geometric perfection is characteristic of artificial star sapphires. There are not many such stones on the market – their production is complicated and expensive – but they do exist. The price of a synthetic sapphire with a beautiful asterism may exceed the price of a natural stone of less enviable quality.

Star sapphire color

Multicolor is an important aesthetic property of sapphire. By itself, aluminum oxide, which composes the crystalline mass of the stone, is colorless, the color is formed by impurities. In nature, there are star sapphires from blue to pink; mixed colors are not uncommon.

Star sapphire can be yellow with some admixture of red – to a yellow-orange hue. Such a stone contains iron and vanadium in a small concentration. Increasing the concentration of vanadium makes the sapphire lilac or purple. The stone becomes green under the influence of increased additions of all that iron, and chromium makes the gem blush. The excess of atomic impurities makes the sapphire gray or even black.

The jewelry market appreciates stones that are bright and clean, without an admixture of earthiness and color. The highlight is a sapphire star – usually white or close to white. Star sapphires from Thailand are especially good: their gleam is often cast in gold.

Star sapphire in jewelry

In a jewelry workshop, a quality star sapphire has one way – to cabochons! Moreover, such a cabochon is always cut with a convex, embossed, as they say among the masters – with a high dome.

At the same time, the geometric perfection of forms is boldly sacrificed to the expressiveness of asterism. The master cutter is ready to make any “mistakes” for the sake of revealing the star-shaped reflection in the most favorable angle. Do not be surprised to see a photo of a star sapphire cut with a not completely symmetrical cabochon: the main thing is that the star shines!

Thermal procedures are subordinated to the same goal. Heating sapphires to temperatures below 1800 ° C gives the gems their purity, and makes the color more pronounced. Long-term heating of star sapphire in a titanium environment gives rutile crystals the opportunity to grow, due to which asterism acquires greater clarity, brightness and expressiveness.

The magical properties of star sapphire

A thousand years ago, Abbess Hildegard of Bingen wrote Physica. A few lines in the book were devoted to the star-shining sapphire. “Who is foolish from birth,” wrote the saint, “keep a sapphire in your mouth. Even if you just lick the stone more often, its warmth and strength will expel bad juices and free the mind. “

The outstanding woman’s recommendations have been tested and rechecked, but they seem to have proven effective. In any case, quite recently – a thousand years after the publication of the advice – the legendary abbess was canonized.

An even more ancient discovered property of star sapphire is its ability to direct. In the human mind, a star on the surface of a stone is analogous to the guiding Pole Star in the sky. The owner of a sapphire cabochon really makes fewer mistakes and goes through life straight, confidently and swiftly.

The color of the star sapphire indicates the zodiacal predisposition of the stone. Sapphires of blue tones are more suitable for the signs of Water; dark gems are more suitable for the signs of the Earth. The signs of Air and Fire are free to choose star sapphires according to their own understanding, however, it has been noticed: Fire loves stones of warm shades, Air – of any color, but always translucent.

Healing properties of star sapphire

Star Sapphire heals self-doubt, and pretty quickly. At the same time, wearing several sapphires at once (men’s jewelry – cufflinks, tie pins, accessories – are often encrusted with dark star sapphires) only accelerates the process, but does not lead it beyond the border of moderation.

A pendant or brooch with a star sapphire, worn on the chest, optimizes the work of the heart, relieves spasms, and relieves angina attacks. In using the stone, lithotherapists recommend taking breaks: the hardness of the sapphire is transferred to the vessels over time, which reduces the person’s adaptability to changes in atmospheric pressure.

Caring for Star Sapphire Jewelry

Star sapphires are hard, but fragile, even if not created by nature, but by the efforts of scientists. The saturation of the initially strong crystalline mass with rutile growths does not go to waste for the stone. That is why caution is needed when handling a stone.

Warm dish soap and a soft absorbent cloth are preferred for star sapphire jewelry. Hardware cleaning is contraindicated. During operation, stones should be protected from contact with acids, including food.

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